



In the end, we humans are not defined by the things we own. All the signifiers of success -- the inflated bank account, the triple-decker condo in Barbados -- we can't take them with us. We're judged not by what we kept for ourselves, but what we gave to others. The world pays lip service to this selflessness, but to truly find it in a human is rare. That person who makes you better, who makes the world better. Who shares everything they have, without regard for repayment, without a need to be spotlighted for their generosity.

Willis McClung was such a man -- a profoundly talented musician, tinkerer, sailor, humorist, songwriter, carpenter, dancer, and bringer of good vibes. He shone love and shared it with most everybody he met, unless they were pretentious or stuck-up — those folks he ribbed and prodded until, usually, they decided to join in the fun.

He relentlessly wrote and recorded music through his brief 34 years. This record represents the first collection of Willis’ recorded material. These were culled from old email attachments, reclaimed hard drives, and other odd corners of the internet. What a wondrous collection — a compelling portrait of a supremely talented, humorous, big hearted man who had so much love to give, and he used his time here on earth to its best purpose. —Bill Baird

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